Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Doing What I Should

This morning as I sat at the computer I wrestled with myself as to whether to write a thoughtful post to join Ann for Walk With Him Wednesday or to walk with Him by waking, feeding, saying morning prayers and teaching my children.
I chose to walk with Him by doing what He wants me to do and I know what He wants, because it is my vocation, the vocation given to me though the sacrament of Matrimony. This vocation is one I embrace and am so thankful for. Having grown up in a divorced home I knew from a young age that I wanted to be able to stay home with my children if I were to be blessed with them. So today my day has been filled with Him, in the eyes of my children, in a phone call from the oldest son, in the strong,loving voice of my husband telling me he would remember me at daily mass that he was attending. I am wrapped up,embraced and overwhelmed by Him.

266. Fresh yogurt, strawberries and banana smoothies
267. Great new finds at my favorite "boutique"
268. Laughter around the dinner table
269. A mini trampoline that we are all having fun with
270. Sweet-smelling blossoms on our orange and lemon trees
271. Unexpected visit
272. Mountains of clean laundry to fold
273. Trusting in God
274. Coupons that are current and good sales to use them with
275. Another cold, cloudy day, one I will look back fondly on when it is hot and dry in July
276. A warm sweater
277. An owl outside our window
278. Hungry tummies
279. A chance to help a very kind woman
280. The opportunity for my husband and boys to play basketball with other friends from church
281. Being still
282. Reading
283. Unexpected gift in the mail which reminded me that God,My Father will provide
284. Green grass
285. Redbud trees!!
286. Putting together list for co-op order
287. Tales of my grandchildren's antics
288. Inspiring movie
289. Listening to my daughter tell me a story
290. Remembering to unclench the fist and relax shoulders

Monday, March 28, 2011

20{4}40 To Be Content

Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. Helen Keller

All my life I have been in awe of Helen Keller, she is an amazing woman and her life shows how valuable each soul is. I do not want to take anything for granted, ever!

241. School day, done and finished
242. Raw honey
243. A cheerful husband, in spite of all he has to deal with
244. A cold early spring day
245. Roast cooking and making the house smell yummy
246. Thoughtful neighbors
247. A peaceful home, when there is so much unrest
248. hugs from my daughter
249. Honesty
250. Good report from the dentist
251. 2 fresh eggs from our chickens
252. Enough, even when I worry there won't be
253. My porch, it's still red and still makes me happy!
254. Thoughtful children
255. Beauty,it's everywhere
256. Cheerful dogs who make me laugh
257. Hauntingly beautiful music (yes, I'm listening to my music on my blog, my daughter says it's depressing but I love it and the love that causes people to write such lyrics
258. For this list of thanksgiving,making me more and more grateful as I write
259. Conveniences that make my life so much easier
260. A beautiful new charm for my bracelet that leads my thoughts to God and to His Mother given for no reason, except that my husband loves me
261. Loving my husband so deeply that I would be stretched out on his grave if he were to leave me (second song on my blog music,if you would like to hear of this type of love)
262. Boys, who will be coming in soon from Rugby,tired, muddy, hungry and full of noise
263. Lock burns and scraped knees and sons who will put medicine on them even though they don't want to
264. The Psalms and praying them
265. The gift of life and given abundantly

Joining Ann and Jenny

Lenten Challenge

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I continue to count...

221. A lit candle, prayers, and uniting mine with hers.
221. Beautiful Gregorian chant
222. Rugby match in the cold and mist
223. Yummy lunch and good company and a place to get warm after the match
224. Joyful news of a new soul entering this world,welcome Sophia Elizabeth!!!!
225. A wonderful afternoon with my husband and then mass,dinner and casual conversation with our wonderful Bishop, Bishop Slattery.
226. Spiritual direction
227. Holding a precious baby
228. Seeing family from our of state, unexpectedly, at mass
229. Getting up earlier than usual
230. Oatmeal and freshly ground wheat soaking for tomorrow
231. Seeing my friends at coffee and donuts
232. Watching a godson at mass well loved
233. A church family who loves well
234. A quiet Sunday afternoon
235. Children sharing ice cream (it is Sunday!)
236. Souls all clean,fresh from the confessional
237. An Easter dress found for my Promised from God daughter
238. Peaceful home
239. My opened heart,willing to hear
240. The Eucharist

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Annunciation

I love this picture of the Annunciation, showing the archangel Gabriel kneeling before Mary, the queen of heaven and earth. Humility is reflected on her face and in her posturing but yet Gabriel is kneeling as befitting his acknowledgment of his queen. What beauty this image holds.

My heart overflows with gratitude..
191. The Annunciation
192. A call from the Strong son who has done well on his comps for his masters!!!
193. The humility of Our Lady
194. A good day of school
195. Simple procedure on the Joyful son's foot that went well
196. An extra gallon of fresh milk available
197. Making yogurt from the extra milk
198. Beer bread
199. First class feasts during Lent
200. Cooking for my family
201. A cheerful husband, happy to be home for the week
202. Anticipating Stations of the Cross tonight
203. A new book to read just arrived in the mail
204. Tulips just bloomed in the yard
205. A kiss from my husband
206. A pink shirt that lifts my spirits
207. Dinner made by my brother-in-law and niece
208. A call to Jenny that always lifts my spirits
209. Rugby game to go to tomorrow
210. Rereading One Thousand Gifts, sooo good
211. A cold morning, blossoming into a warm blessing of a day
212. Meniere's attack finally easing today
213. Skype, an amazing way to keep in contact with my darling grandbabies
214. Being content
215. Being mindful of unfurling my soul to the Son
216. My sweet Jesus
217. The suffering my Lord suffered for me
218. A stray dog we rescued that has brought such joy to us
219. The week-end
220. Good music

Joining Jenny

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In all things give thanks

Continuing my journey of thanks

161. Sisterly advice
162. A guide to reading the Bible in 2 years, more my pace than doing it in one year. Thanks Lisa
163. The music on my blog
164. My daughter saying that she liked that we were eating healthier, Thanks to Nourishing Traditions cookbook
165. Meniere's Disease, keeps me praying and it can't kill me! lol
166. Losing weight and lose clothes
167. Praying the Monastic Diurnal
168. A busy afternoon, so busy that only 2 parents can make it happen
169. A husband so willing to help make #168 happen
170. Leftovers
171. The hope of rain
172. Chickens laying eggs again
173. A 10lb dog snoring louder than a grown man!
174. Finding new blogs to explore
175. The people who find and read my blog
176. A slow morning to help me get my balance See #165
177. Medicine that helps
178. Quiet
179. The morning smiles of my children
180. The morning call from my wonderful husband
185. Clean, hot water for morning showers
186. Clean, cold water for drinking
187. Amazing comforts that so many in the world do not have
188. A young man, heading to Afghanistan (can he really be old enough?) and all of us mothers praying with his mother for his safety
189. Lent
190. Crosses that sometimes feel to big but have been chosen especially for each one of us

Small Successes

“God makes three requests of his children: Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, now”

1. I chose to handle a situation in our honeschooling with joy and patience.

2. I have been reading The Liturgical Year by Abbot Guernanger,OSB daily.

3. I let go of a situation I have no control over, went to mass and confession and now am trying really hard not to take it back. ;)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yes, Lord

Yes, Lord I will...
Today, I will walk with you.
Today,I will strive to talk softly with great charity.
Today, I will love passionately the souls you gave to me.
Today, I will remember that I must live each moment to it's complete fullness before rushing onto the next.
Today, I will be still inside to hear You.
Today,I will try to remember that each moment is a prayer.
Today, I will unclench the fist and live unfurled under the warmth of Your most generous love and acceptance.

Joining Ann


“You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.” — G. K. Chesterton

131. Terry getting our street lamp working!
132. Breaking bread with good friends
133. Making my own buttermilk and having it ready to use when I needed it
134. Trying to regain the eucharisteo of life
135. Living in the now
136. Praying the breviary
137. For a pediatrician who has known me and my children half my life and all theirs
138. For breathing treatments and an inhaler for my joyful son's bronchial spasms
139. Sharing the pain of a father who is losing his son to an illness and no known cure
140. For life lived abundantly
142. For children running,laughing and playing as the light slips away in the evening
143. For a pleasant evening to sit on the porch and listen to them
144. For Jenny always taking the time to talk to me and knowing what I was going to say before I even called!
145. A new soaked oatmeal recipe getting ready to pop into the oven
146. An evening call from my granddaughter to say goodnight and I love you
147. a Beautiful video from Benedictine College
150. Children doing schoolwork in spite of a crazy day
151. A red porch, all done
152. Children doing chores and more
153. Music in the house
154. Hot chai tea in the morning
155. Spiritual reading
156. Neighbors
157. Fresh raw milk that makes beautiful buttermilk
158. Being loved
159. Loving deeply
160. Jonquils still fresh on the table

Joining Jenny

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


111. Continuing family traditions
112. Safe travel for my son and his girlfriend back to college
113. Generous gift to my strong son,his wife and family
114. My husband's guidance and direction
115. Having friends that are good enough to complain to
116. the Mass
117. Feast Days
118. Fasting
119. The wind ruffling the slats on the shutters
120. My hearing
121. A new Raven tradition at Benedictine college started by my wise son
122. A quiet visit with a good friend
123. New rugby positions for the rugby playing sons, who have been nicknamed the twins. :)
124. That hard times really can make us stronger
125. Watching old family movies
126. Getting my house in order
127. Finding a great new family owned restaurant
128. Making my own laundry soap
129. The hum of the washing machine
130. Obedience, in my children and in myself

Joining Ann and Jenny

Friday, March 18, 2011


91. Work
92. Spring cleaning
93. St. Patrick's Day dinner with grandparents
94. Looking forward to my son's girlfriend's visit
95. Finished projects
96. Unfinished projects, what would I do with all that spare time if I ever got everything done?
97. A crockpot yogurt recipe
98. ceiling fans on a warm spring day
99. A hard working husband, who comes home from working and works more with not complaint
100. Wow! 100 things to be grateful for!
101. Sunshine spaying out over the wood floor showing me I almost got all the dog hair up! ;)
102. Anticipation of fun
103. Really good talk on fasting
104. Good priests
105. Professors willing to teach truth and leading so many souls to the one True Church
106. Birds singing through my open windows
107. My think happy stuff mug
108. Spell-check!
109. Allergy medicine
110. Knowing that God is in charge,even when there is so much hurting in the world and that it does count if all I can do is pray.

Joining Jenny

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sweet Shot Tuesdays

Darcy at My 3 Boybarians
Sweet Shot Day


I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton

71. My strong son making hard decisions for his family, prayerfully
72. For the feeling of awe and pride I have in that son
73. Such a sweet violin teacher for my daughter, Thank you Abby
74. My wise son feeling better
75. Rugby for two sons full of energy
76. Sweet calls from my Emma, telling me about dinosaurs she just saw
77. My freshly painted utility room and a red back door, do you think I like red?
78. A kind husband letting me paint everything red!
79. Constant connection to friends, thank you Alexander Graham Bell!
80. An amazing daughter-in-law that I'm so thankful is in my son's and all of our lives
81. Quiet mornings
82. A generous uncle,on spring break, having my 3 youngest kids over to spend the night and throwing their own Cupcake Wars
83. Beautiful music to write to
84. Cold mornings melting into warm days
85. Clean dogs
86. Fresh raw milk from a diary close by
87. Free range eggs too
88. Being truly happy
89. Upcoming party to make me clean,deep!
90. My Catholic Faith that I'm seeing my grown sons making their own and thriving in it!

Joining Jenny

Monday, March 14, 2011

Raindrops and Red Porches 20{4}40

My list continues to grow...
52. Rain so badly needed to quench the dry grass and halt the grass fires
53. A loving husband and father, getting up in the dark on a cold, wet day to go to work for us.
54. Coffee on Sunday
55. Laughing at ourselves, with my sister-in-law! (Whom I adore and admire!)
56. Family dinner at Nonna's and Poppa's house every Sunday
57. Sharing a friend's grief at her grandmother's passing, prayers for the repose of her soul, for the family's comfort and in thanksgiving for a long life
58. Baking soda and apple cider vinegar
59. The sound of the bread machine
60. My wise son, mercilessly teasing me (when does he go back to college, again? ;)
61. The joy of godbrothers together again!
62. A priest who knows what's good for me,even if I don' want to do it.
63. Curly blond hair framing a sweet face
64. Godsons of all shapes and sizes and I got to see all of them yesterday.
65. A godson and nephew, gone to soon, whom I miss daily and who comforts me each day as I pray
for his intercession
66. Memories captured in pictures and words
67. The hard eucharisteo
68. The sounds of footsteps above my head, telling me my daughter is awake
69. A full day ahead
70. A freshly painted porch,deep red

Joining Jenny

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm Continuing to Count

I continue to count my blessings with Jenny

31. Enjoying counting my blessings
32. A joyful hug from a godson.
33. An appreciative hug from a goddaughter
34. A grown-up hug from a goddaughter
35. A sweet hug from a goddaughter
36. A shy hug from a goddaughter
37. A fruit chewy hug from a godson

Why do I count these separately instead of just being grateful for all the hugs together? Because each soul is so precious that they should be counted individually, because they are wonderfully made children of God!

38. A wonderful morning of soccer games
39. Beautiful Irish music and knowing the words to sing along.
40. Singing with my daughter in the car.
41. My daughter's beautiful, pure voice.
42. Home repair jobs, even if they take longer than they should.
43. A loving Father-in-law helping and always there for us
44. Children working hard with no complaining
45. Fresh, hot bread
46. A messy house
47. A safe trip home from college for my son
48. The Rosary
49. Hot tea
50. A morning visit with my dear friend

Friday, March 11, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment}
- A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Joining Amanda

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Winking at the Sins

Thou has mercy upon all,O Lord, and hates none of the things which Thous hast made, winking at the sins of men for the sake of repentance and sparing them: for Thou art the Lord our God. Wisdom 11,24,25,27
Introit from Ash Wednesday

I love this, the idea that my Loving Father winks at my sins for the sake of repentance and sparing me. That I always have His Eye on me and mine, guiding, keeping and forgiving us constantly. This makes me happy and I feel safe.

21. Conversations and open hearts after Mass.
22. Good news of a friend who has been our prayer intention.
23. The anticipation of my son coming home for spring break from college.
24. A beautiful day of sunshine.
25. Free wood for a home improvement project.
26. A good and holy husband. (can I list this one everyday? :))
27. Children, working hard to finish their work.
28. Piles of ironing,which means we have plenty of clothes.
29. Music filling the house.
30. The Rule of St. Benedict

The habit of counting my blessings and recognizing them is becoming easier and I'm grateful for that too. Hmmm... maybe that is number 31.

Joining Jenny

Lenten Challenge

Finding my Focus

I am learning, learning how to focus my husband's camera to capture the extraordinary in the ordinary and I am learning daily to focus on God, and His Blessed Mother.
You can see that too many times it's the trappings in my life that come into focus sharply; the grime on the window pane, the laundry, the dog hair (Oh, the dog hair!!) and all the other things that drive me to exasperation and that I let interfere with my focus on what it right and what is true and what is beautiful. On God.

But I keep trying and slowly, so slowly, the focus is coming through, some days better than others like the reception of an old radio. Those days are the ones that are filled with prayer and a pause before I speak so I don't snap and hurt young or old hearts that have been entrusted to me.
So I keep trying to find my focus.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Grant, O Lord , that Thy faithful may begin the solemn days of Lent with fitting piety and may persevere therein with steadfast devotion.
Through our Lord.
the collect from Ash Wednesday from The Monastic Diurnal

Lent is one of my favorite times of the Church year. A time for hard times making more sense. A time to expect more of me and my children, and they always amaze me at what they can do without complaining (too much). A time to slow our life down and focus on our Lord with fitting piety and perseverance.

Joining Jenny

6. Great time with friends.
7. Getting an unexpected chance to help someone.
8. Praying the hours with my husband and son.
9. Preparing the house for Lent, purple tablecloth and all.
10.A rumbling, hungry tummy, that reminds me to to turn to Him for all my needs.
11.Praying for friends
12.The sounds of a guitar
13.The sounds of a violin
14.The smell of warm bread
15.Hot tea
16.Looking forward to Ash Wednesday Mass
18.Clean Laundry
20.My daughter's optimistic smile

The Practice of Letting Go

The practice of letting go is one of the reasons for the blogging journey I've begun, Hoping that a public journal would help me to put into words the lack of trust which keeps my hand clenched in my lap. Most of the time I don't even realize that my nails are marking little half moons into my palm. Uncurling my fingers into a palm of trust is, to me, like the petals of a rose unfurling to give all it has to give of itself,its beauty and its fragrance and receiving, in turn, the fullness of the sunshine and the dew. But a rosebud tightly closed bending its head and dying has given nor received anything. Letting go means trusting that God is there to meet all my needs.

Today, I will go to mass and receive the ashes and begin the journey to Easter and practice keeping my hands open to be a blessing to others and to be blessed.

I'm joining Ann today

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Strong Legs

These legs hold up a beautiful buffet that was given to my husband and me, by his grandmother when we got married. It had been hers and her heart's love when they had been married. We have treasured it and all the pieces that go with it all these wonderful years of our hearts' love.

These strong legs are magnificent and yet flawed, dust lines the crevices and small nicks and dings mar their smooth surface, yet I marvel at their strength and beauty. As wonderfully crafted as they are, they are made by man and the talent that comes only from God and hard work. I look at my own legs and do not consider them beautiful, spider veins that first slipped in with my first baby and then all their friends they invited to join them as more babies joined us and all the other imperfections that come with age. My own version of nicks and dings in their smooth surface. But I am brought to realize that these legs,my own. are made in His Image and are magnificent and I am humbled and grateful for strong, magnificently made legs!

My thanksgiving begins as I join Jenny in 20{4}40

1. Strong legs and arms and bodies for myself and my family
2. Beautiful pieces handed down through generations,carrying all the love that surrounded it and
still does.
3. Shrove Tuesday, heralding Lent
4. Friends and the anticipation of fellowship and decadent pancakes!!
5. The thoughtful guidance of my husband and my children's father leading them and me to make
wise lenten sacrifices.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Now is the Time for Gratitude

Last Christmas my soul sister gave me a journal for my gratitude list. I put it aside and thought what a sweet idea but I'm a pretty grateful person, or so I thought!
After much discussion with her and reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts  I realized how truly ungrateful I am and how this keeps me closed up like a rosebud that never opens, only drooping its head and dying an unfurled life.
This blog is to encourage myself and hopefully others to live our lives fully unfurled turning our faces to the Son and opening our souls to the beauty everywhere, even the ugly beautiful.