Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Strong Legs

These legs hold up a beautiful buffet that was given to my husband and me, by his grandmother when we got married. It had been hers and her heart's love when they had been married. We have treasured it and all the pieces that go with it all these wonderful years of our hearts' love.

These strong legs are magnificent and yet flawed, dust lines the crevices and small nicks and dings mar their smooth surface, yet I marvel at their strength and beauty. As wonderfully crafted as they are, they are made by man and the talent that comes only from God and hard work. I look at my own legs and do not consider them beautiful, spider veins that first slipped in with my first baby and then all their friends they invited to join them as more babies joined us and all the other imperfections that come with age. My own version of nicks and dings in their smooth surface. But I am brought to realize that these legs,my own. are made in His Image and are magnificent and I am humbled and grateful for strong, magnificently made legs!

My thanksgiving begins as I join Jenny in 20{4}40

1. Strong legs and arms and bodies for myself and my family
2. Beautiful pieces handed down through generations,carrying all the love that surrounded it and
still does.
3. Shrove Tuesday, heralding Lent
4. Friends and the anticipation of fellowship and decadent pancakes!!
5. The thoughtful guidance of my husband and my children's father leading them and me to make
wise lenten sacrifices.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post and picture. Glad to have you along for 20{4}40!
