Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton

71. My strong son making hard decisions for his family, prayerfully
72. For the feeling of awe and pride I have in that son
73. Such a sweet violin teacher for my daughter, Thank you Abby
74. My wise son feeling better
75. Rugby for two sons full of energy
76. Sweet calls from my Emma, telling me about dinosaurs she just saw
77. My freshly painted utility room and a red back door, do you think I like red?
78. A kind husband letting me paint everything red!
79. Constant connection to friends, thank you Alexander Graham Bell!
80. An amazing daughter-in-law that I'm so thankful is in my son's and all of our lives
81. Quiet mornings
82. A generous uncle,on spring break, having my 3 youngest kids over to spend the night and throwing their own Cupcake Wars
83. Beautiful music to write to
84. Cold mornings melting into warm days
85. Clean dogs
86. Fresh raw milk from a diary close by
87. Free range eggs too
88. Being truly happy
89. Upcoming party to make me clean,deep!
90. My Catholic Faith that I'm seeing my grown sons making their own and thriving in it!

Joining Jenny

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