I chose to walk with Him by doing what He wants me to do and I know what He wants, because it is my vocation, the vocation given to me though the sacrament of Matrimony. This vocation is one I embrace and am so thankful for. Having grown up in a divorced home I knew from a young age that I wanted to be able to stay home with my children if I were to be blessed with them. So today my day has been filled with Him, in the eyes of my children, in a phone call from the oldest son, in the strong,loving voice of my husband telling me he would remember me at daily mass that he was attending. I am wrapped up,embraced and overwhelmed by Him.
266. Fresh yogurt, strawberries and banana smoothies
267. Great new finds at my favorite "boutique"
268. Laughter around the dinner table
269. A mini trampoline that we are all having fun with
270. Sweet-smelling blossoms on our orange and lemon trees
271. Unexpected visit
272. Mountains of clean laundry to fold
273. Trusting in God
274. Coupons that are current and good sales to use them with
275. Another cold, cloudy day, one I will look back fondly on when it is hot and dry in July
276. A warm sweater
277. An owl outside our window
278. Hungry tummies
279. A chance to help a very kind woman
280. The opportunity for my husband and boys to play basketball with other friends from church
281. Being still
282. Reading
283. Unexpected gift in the mail which reminded me that God,My Father will provide
284. Green grass
285. Redbud trees!!
286. Putting together list for co-op order
287. Tales of my grandchildren's antics
288. Inspiring movie
289. Listening to my daughter tell me a story
290. Remembering to unclench the fist and relax shoulders
Your post touched me today Laurie and brought a smile to my face. So peaceful...so accepting. I love #275~summer is not my favorite and I cherish these days as they come to a close...a fire lit, sweaters and jeans, hot cup of coffee...warm slippers. Have a blessed day~Theresa