Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Grant, O Lord , that Thy faithful may begin the solemn days of Lent with fitting piety and may persevere therein with steadfast devotion.
Through our Lord.
the collect from Ash Wednesday from The Monastic Diurnal

Lent is one of my favorite times of the Church year. A time for hard times making more sense. A time to expect more of me and my children, and they always amaze me at what they can do without complaining (too much). A time to slow our life down and focus on our Lord with fitting piety and perseverance.

Joining Jenny

6. Great time with friends.
7. Getting an unexpected chance to help someone.
8. Praying the hours with my husband and son.
9. Preparing the house for Lent, purple tablecloth and all.
10.A rumbling, hungry tummy, that reminds me to to turn to Him for all my needs.
11.Praying for friends
12.The sounds of a guitar
13.The sounds of a violin
14.The smell of warm bread
15.Hot tea
16.Looking forward to Ash Wednesday Mass
18.Clean Laundry
20.My daughter's optimistic smile

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