Thursday, March 10, 2011

Finding my Focus

I am learning, learning how to focus my husband's camera to capture the extraordinary in the ordinary and I am learning daily to focus on God, and His Blessed Mother.
You can see that too many times it's the trappings in my life that come into focus sharply; the grime on the window pane, the laundry, the dog hair (Oh, the dog hair!!) and all the other things that drive me to exasperation and that I let interfere with my focus on what it right and what is true and what is beautiful. On God.

But I keep trying and slowly, so slowly, the focus is coming through, some days better than others like the reception of an old radio. Those days are the ones that are filled with prayer and a pause before I speak so I don't snap and hurt young or old hearts that have been entrusted to me.
So I keep trying to find my focus.


  1. I am so glad you are blogging my friend. I long to hear the beautiful words pondered deep within your heart.

  2. Thank you, Jenny! That means so much coming from you!
