Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kites and the Lessons They Teach

The joy of a windy day, a girl and a new butterfly kite brought a smile to my face as she and I ran together to launch it into the blue sky.

336. Bright blue skies
337. Yellow and orange butterfly kite
338. The blue of my daughter's eyes
339. Her wonderfully curly hair
340. The lift to the spirits in flying a kite

Up,up, it would go only to waft helplessly then drift down when there was not enought wind or taughtness on the string, bringing to my mind the thought that so too do I drift through my days when I do not turn my face to the holy wind of the Holy Ghost to inspire my thoughts and actions. So too do I slowly fall when I chafe and pull at the things that keep me grounded;prayers,laundry,teaching those God has given me, the mundane and the beautiful.

341. Two nights in a row of good fellowship and direction
342. The distinction between meditation and contemplation
343. Jenny,patiently explaining them again to me
344. Healing mass at the cathedral and getting to venerate and thought the reliquary of St. Damien's relics
345. The powerful healing found only in the confessional
346. Looking at all the others and realizing how small my sufferings are by comparison

And it is brought to my mind that through submission and living constantly in the presence of God that then we can soar and just like flying that kite we get chances over and over to keep flying closer to our God and relish in His Love.

347. Tired, and bruised young men
348. That they, though bruised, are safe
349. A good book, explained better so I can really benefit from it
350. A upcoming visit to the farm we buy our milk and eggs from to learn about interning with them

Joining Jenny


  1. Great pictures and a wonderful reflection to go along. makes me look at kite flying in a totally differnt way.

  2. Lovely words shared...thanks for gracing my day...and I will check out that book mentioned. I have seen it mentioned several times. Bless you~Theresa
