Monday, April 4, 2011


317. A day spent with friends
318. Baby girls everywhere and one just 10 days old!
319. Cake and ice cream
320. Twirly skirts on a windy day
321. Noisy bread machine
322. Cool morning after a muggy hot day
323. No smoke in the air this morning, hopefully the grass fires are all out
324. A great deal at the store
325. Beautiful piano music
326. Smelly, sweaty kids in the car after playing hard with friends
327. Grass,soft as a carpet, on my feet
328. Wise words of counsel from my soul sister
329. Good priests sharing in the family celebration
330. Laetare Sunday
331. A wonderful retreat with Michael Voris
332. Staying off the computer these last few days
333. Faith
334. Family
335. Kind words from those who read my blog


  1. Thank you for sharing the simplicity of your list. Have a blessed day!
