Sunday, March 27, 2011


I continue to count...

221. A lit candle, prayers, and uniting mine with hers.
221. Beautiful Gregorian chant
222. Rugby match in the cold and mist
223. Yummy lunch and good company and a place to get warm after the match
224. Joyful news of a new soul entering this world,welcome Sophia Elizabeth!!!!
225. A wonderful afternoon with my husband and then mass,dinner and casual conversation with our wonderful Bishop, Bishop Slattery.
226. Spiritual direction
227. Holding a precious baby
228. Seeing family from our of state, unexpectedly, at mass
229. Getting up earlier than usual
230. Oatmeal and freshly ground wheat soaking for tomorrow
231. Seeing my friends at coffee and donuts
232. Watching a godson at mass well loved
233. A church family who loves well
234. A quiet Sunday afternoon
235. Children sharing ice cream (it is Sunday!)
236. Souls all clean,fresh from the confessional
237. An Easter dress found for my Promised from God daughter
238. Peaceful home
239. My opened heart,willing to hear
240. The Eucharist

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