Tuesday, March 22, 2011


111. Continuing family traditions
112. Safe travel for my son and his girlfriend back to college
113. Generous gift to my strong son,his wife and family
114. My husband's guidance and direction
115. Having friends that are good enough to complain to
116. the Mass
117. Feast Days
118. Fasting
119. The wind ruffling the slats on the shutters
120. My hearing
121. A new Raven tradition at Benedictine college started by my wise son
122. A quiet visit with a good friend
123. New rugby positions for the rugby playing sons, who have been nicknamed the twins. :)
124. That hard times really can make us stronger
125. Watching old family movies
126. Getting my house in order
127. Finding a great new family owned restaurant
128. Making my own laundry soap
129. The hum of the washing machine
130. Obedience, in my children and in myself

Joining Ann and Jenny

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