Saturday, December 1, 2012


It's been over a year since I've been to this blog, I had even forgotten how to log in!
So why now?  I don't have a camera to make this blog incredible with beautiful, heart-stopping pictures, I don't have anything to say that others haven't said in ways that take my breath away.
I think I'm just here for me, to say what is on my heart and have a place to go back and review.
My blog is called My Unfurling because I long for the day when my hands are not clenched in fists but relaxed in peace and trust.  It's a habit that I have done all my life but had only noticed the last few years.  I think the clenched fist is a symbol of needing to protect myself. In the last few years I opened up to a few new people, people who I thought would love and support me as I would and still will for them, and then they hurt me.I mean really hurt me, not the kind of hurt like a high school hurt but a deep in my soul hurt. The kind of hurt that makes me want to bang on their closed doors to me and plead with them to help me make sense of it.  I didn't change. The cholerics of the world must see me as an open target! But my fist is not closed,or my heart.  I will stay open because it is only through loving that you can put yourself in a place to be hurt.

So this Advent my goal is fasting, prayer and meditation.  I want to give the best I can, the best I am, the unfurled me to the Christ child everyday.

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