Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Time of Rejoicing

We have returned home and so much has filled these last few weeks that I could burst. Burst with love, pride and even frustration!

My son number 4,the gregarious one, was confirmed on the 11th of last month and the next morning we all left to drive 20 hours to Washington DC to be with our oldest son,his wife and our grandchildren as he graduated with his Masters in English. Our next to the oldest son had just arrived home the day before his brother's confirmation, dropping his belongings at the door, not even unpacking as we flew out on our trip.

To look at these souls that God has given to me and see such greatness in them is humbling.

My newly confirmed son had lead us all in the novenas to prepare him,and us. for this magnificent sacrament with confidence and strength and,of course, a great deal of teasing!

My newly arrived home son with love and humility supported his family by putting aside his fatigue from finals and joyfully added his heart to our trip. Seeing him with his godson and nephew,Luke, is a sight to behold!

My 3rd born son, sick almost the entire time with allergies and a head cold,never complaining and lovingly carrying his niece or nephew around with him all through DC as we flew from sight to sight to see so many things!

My daughter, squished into the smallest of spaces in the van (oh, the joys of being the youngest) and sleeping on the floor in her nieces room, never once complaining. Her care and love towards her niece and nephew was unflagging!

My oldest son, earning his Masters and providing for a family, it makes me weak when I think of how hard he has worked to accomplish this. He has decided to stay and finish his doctoral degree, which is a good decision but a hard one as well. Hard on a mother's heart who wants her son and family close.

My daughter-in-law, what a joy she is for my son, grandchildren and us! Making the tiniest of apartments a darling home and being the one to open it up for some of us to stay there to save on hotel rooms! Watching my grandchildren play, learn and flourish under her and my son's care makes me wish I could go back and be as good a parent as they are.

With all good things come frustrations and so did our trip. My husband's new, fancy camera was stolen. Trying to figure out flights for number 2 son to get back for his girlfriend's 21st birthday was trying only for him to arrive home to have to care for our sick dog who needed a lot of expensive treatment(good thing he was a free dog!) Hot water heater breaking before we left!

But good reader, take notice of how small that paragraph of frustrations is!

I heard once that a problem is not a problem if money can fix it.

True, for the experience of all of us in a van for 40 hours with minimal bickering and being together, all of us,for 13 days was truly a time of rejoicing.


  1. It's been a while since I've seen new words here – I hope that just means that you're busy with summer – that it's all fun – and light. I hope that's the case. So - just here to say I'll sit patiently and look for more new words.God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours Laurie.

  2. Thanks Craig, I appreciate you and God bless you too.
