It has been quite a few weeks since my last post. I needed to be quiet for Passion and Holy Week and then got so busy these last weeks of the Easter season that I just didn't find time to "feed the blog"!!
Many things grabbing my attention and keeping me preoccupied and also the nagging voice that says "What do you think you are doing? Why in the world do you think you need to have a blog?" So my doubts and self-consciousness have also kept me away. So I will continue for a while more and see if this blog is really for me!
Finishing our home school year with my 3 youngest as my oldest has finished his Master's and my second oldest has successfully finished his 3rd year of college has brought all the doubts of whether or not this was a "Good" year or did I do enough and especially the guilt of all the things I was so eager to do in the fall that fell away. Not for the older two, of course, but the other 3 three who are still mine to form and then release into the world. I know I am not alone with these thoughts as I see other homeschooling moms blog their concerns but they are still mine and they must be put to rest or my summer will be "eaten by the locusts" the locusts of guilt!
I know that God will provide where I have failed. I need to bask in the good,such as my junior son's ACT scores high enough to be eligible for some scholarship money instead of focusing on the lower scores of the test feeling as though I've let that child down in his studies in those
I have home schooled for 17 years now, and have watched God fill in the blanks. Now I must rest in Him so that I may be refreshed for next year and spend time this summer in prayerful observation as to what my children need from me to build their character and their minds but mostly to form their conscience.
I continue to list but no longer to number my gifts
* The joyful time of Easter
* My husband so talented and hard working that he can install a hot water heater and fix our air conditioner in the span of 3 days!
* A restful Mother's Day and calls from my older sons to tell me they love me!
* Cleaning out a little space in the garage and attic!
* My friends who I really need to spend some time with to refresh my soul
* White roses in my Mother' Day corsage to honor my mother who has been gone since I was 20
* My son's upcoming Confirmation and praying along with him as he leads the novena to The Holy Spirit and the novena to St. Patrick.
*Praying for him and two of my god-daughters who too will make their confirmation on the same day.
* My dirty house! Which is why I will close this post now!
Joining Ann